India and China, the two wonderful ancient civilizations of the world, is more than two millennium years old. The two countries were connected through the ancient ‘silk route’. But introduction of Buddhism in China from India was the most eventful incidence in the mutual relationship that triggered making of Buddhist art and architecture in China and the travel to India by the Chinese Buddhist monks like Fa-Xian, Zunzangand Izing.
To extend the historical tradition of friendly exchanges between the two countries, the year 2006 was declared as Indo-China Friendship Year and a significant component of it was the organization of exhibition on “Treasures of Ancient India” during 2006-07 in the four cities of China-Beijing, Zhengzhou, Chongqing and Guangzhou. The exhibition of about 100 artifacts was a microcosmic presentation of Indian art offered to the Chinese people at their doors. In reciprocation, an exhibition on “Treasures of Ancient China” has been organized this year (2011) in four cities of India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. The exhibition has been jointly organized by the Archaeological Survey of India and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China. It showcases about 95 antiquities in various art forms ranging from Neolithic to the Qing Dynasty. The range of Chinese exhibits in the exhibition, which will be at the National Library , Kolkata from 8 th Sep to 7 th Nov 2011, is very large, covering jade objects, porcelains, decorative elements, terracotta, metal ware etc.
The exhibition is aimed at further strengthening the bond of friendship between people of the two nations.
To extend the historical tradition of friendly exchanges between the two countries, the year 2006 was declared as Indo-China Friendship Year and a significant component of it was the organization of exhibition on “Treasures of Ancient India” during 2006-07 in the four cities of China-Beijing, Zhengzhou, Chongqing and Guangzhou. The exhibition of about 100 artifacts was a microcosmic presentation of Indian art offered to the Chinese people at their doors. In reciprocation, an exhibition on “Treasures of Ancient China” has been organized this year (2011) in four cities of India - New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. The exhibition has been jointly organized by the Archaeological Survey of India and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China. It showcases about 95 antiquities in various art forms ranging from Neolithic to the Qing Dynasty. The range of Chinese exhibits in the exhibition, which will be at the National Library , Kolkata from 8 th Sep to 7 th Nov 2011, is very large, covering jade objects, porcelains, decorative elements, terracotta, metal ware etc.
The exhibition is aimed at further strengthening the bond of friendship between people of the two nations.
Belvedere House , National Library
Alipore , Kolkata - 700027
9 th Sep - 7 th Nov , 2011
( 10 am - 5 pm )
Phone : 2479 1381 / 82 / 83 / 84
Alipore , Kolkata - 700027
9 th Sep - 7 th Nov , 2011
( 10 am - 5 pm )
Phone : 2479 1381 / 82 / 83 / 84